10 Best Reasons Why Chocolate Is Better Than A Love For Couple

Why chocolates are better than a loving boyfriend. why you should not have a boyfriend and fall in love. Check out below 10 reasons.

10 Best Reasons Why Chocolate Is Better Than A Love For Couple

Today we are going to discuss why chocolates are considered much better than the love for a couple? What are those things that makes chocolates much better than loving flying birds...HAHA ..i am talking about you by flying birds. We will show you why you should eat more chocolates than finding a boyfriend or falling in love with someone.

Every one want to be falling in Love with someone. the one whom they share their feelings or spend a whole life with them with commitment and lovingly.

But they face many issues in their relationship so they prefer a chocolate rather than love...to enjoy their life happily with the dark, smooth and sweetly...there is some common reason.

10 best reason why chocolate is better than a love for couple

1) Chocolate neither complain nor demand....it always gives relaxation.

2) It never gets a fat ....it Always be slim.

3) It always looks like a stylish dress.

4) it’s hard to understand the love chemistry but easy to taste the chocolate.

5) People get tired with the relationship but not with the chocolate.

6) It always smell good.

7) It never ask you a stupid question that.....i m looking fat or slim.

8) It never gives you excuses.

9) Chocolate never lies to you.

10) it’s not  fake, it’s just a sugary, just spread happiness.

So these were the 10 reasons why chocolate is better than a love for couple.
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