10 Things Children Can Do Easily Without Protocols

10 things children can do easily without protocols and what we can't. Why we miss our childhood?

10 Things Children Can Do Easily Without Protocols
10 Things Children Can Do Easily Without Protocols

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We are in Very hectic life. today we don't have a time to spend with our family but children are so innocent they don't care about anything. they enjoy their life with full of fun and without protocols and hesitation. they smile and enjoy every moment of life and they don't take any type of tension but we all live with full of stress ( koi Dekhega to kya kahega) think of others we don't live our life freely like a children with innocence or fulfill our Desires...children don't want any thing only love they only know to spread Love and happiness but we hesitate to do any unusual thing in public place. So today we are sharing those things that children can easily without protocols but we can not. Children do not know any protocols they are open from heart and they do not have to follow any kind of protocols they just do what they want to do and it makes them free. So we all miss our childhood and that is the reason why love children. Because we see our shadow in them and want to feel like them. So the conclusion is they do not have any protocol and we have lots of man made protocol.

So open your heart and see what we miss today and why we love children.

10 thing children can do easily without protocols

Children with no protocol and their action that we love


Smiling a loud in front of people.

Hug everyone .

Create a new thing without care of result .

Face the all situation with daring .

Make connection easily .

Always ready for adventure .

Ask stupid question.. .

They are positive .

They do what they want .

Accept their mistakes easily .

So these are all the 10 things that children ca do easily but we can not.
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